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A Big Thank You To Ben

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Hartlepool Young Carers support children aged 5-18 who care for a family member with a physical disability, mental health illness or substance misuse.

Hartlepool Carers ‘Young Carers’ Groups are vitally important. The children and young people who attend these groups and who’re registered with us often have a very heavy load to carry – they often miss out on the things other children get to do as their caring role often takes president over most of their lives.

The groups Hartlepool Carers run gives Young Carers the space and opportunity to be children, to have fun and to socialise with other children who understand what its like to have a caring role. Running a household and caring can be difficult even for an adult but the impact it can have on a Young Carer who is also dealing with school, sometimes a job of their own and the trials and tribulations of just being a child/teen is a lot for one young person to deal with.

We are so incredibly grateful that Ben has chosen us to raise money for. This alleviates the financial burden from parents and guardians as it allows us to offer free or exceptionally cheap activities and opportunities for our Young Carers to attend so that they can do what every child deserves to do, which is to just be allowed the time, space, and opportunity to have fun, have no worries and just be a kid… even if it’s just for a short while, that little bit of respite is vitally important for their wellbeing.

If you would like to donate so our Young Carers can enjoy a break, a little day trip, a respite break, a fun activity, or even so they can have snacks and drinks at one of our groups – we would be incredibly grateful, thank you in advance for your generosity!

To donate to Ben’s Great North Run and help our wonderful Young Carers out click the link below and support a great cause:

Crowdfunding to Young Carers (Hartlepool Carers) on JustGiving

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