What We Do

Am I a Carer?

A Carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot manage without their support.

The types of support that Carers provide is incredibly varied and dependent on the unique needs of the person that they care for. Caring can involve help with daily tasks such as getting out of bed and personal care such as bathing, supporting to attend appointments, and shopping. Equally, it can involve providing emotional support and or supervision through helping someone cope with their health condition.

The varied nature of being a Carer means that the challenges that Carers face take many different forms. Large numbers of Carers have to try and balance their caring responsibilities with work, study, and any other family commitments. Some Carer groups may be more difficult to identify or are seldom heard and often hidden, for example Young Carers or Carers of those with addictions.

Adult Care support

We have a dedicated team that offer Information Advice and Guidance to adult carers. If you are providing unpaid care to anyone over the age of 18 years old, then we are here to help you.

Once you register with us one of our team will be in touch to discuss your needs as a carer and work with you to ensure you have the right information at the right time.

We can then talk about what might make your life easier and how you can get more help, or if you prefer, we can arrange a time and place where we can meet up and talk about what your needs are.

We can also support you if you are considering moving a loved one into care, we understand this can be a challenging time.

Remember… you’re not on your own and we will do everything we can to help you.

Join us on our Hartlepool Carers Discussion Group once you have registered 

Support for Young Carers

Carers from ages 5 to 18 are known as young carers and often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult.

The tasks undertaken can vary according to the nature of the illness or disability, the level, and frequency of need for care and the structure of the family as a whole.

We will arrange a time and place where we can meet up and talk about what is important to you.

We are here to offer advice, support, and information for you and your family. We also deliver Young Carer specific activities and events so you can meet other young carers in Hartlepool.

Join us on our Hartlepool Young Carers Group once you have registered.

Peace of mind for unpaid carers

Discover our Carer Access Card and Plan

Carers moving on from their Caring Role

We all experience loss at some point in our lives, but for carers this can be even more challenging.

Carers dedicate much of their lives to look after loved ones and when a carer experiences bereavement they can feel even more isolated and alone. At Hartlepool Carers we have a dedicated support group for carers experiencing loss and bereavement. The group meet regularly to have coffee and cake, lunches and meet others who are experiencing similar situations. Please get in touch with us to find out more.

Carer Money Matters

Worried about making ends meet for you or the people you’re caring for?

As a carer, we know that your own worries aren’t always at the top of your list.

But we also know that there are so many other things you’re worrying about too.

Many of you have told us you’re struggling to make ends meet and pay bills on time.

That’s why we’re here to help make money less of a worry.

We want to help you feel more confident about money, for you and the people you’re caring for. Carer Money Matters can help you understand, and get, the financial support you’re entitled to.

We offer free advice on energy saving and energy debt, and we can help you get on the Priority Services Register with your supplier.

This will help you get extra support with things like meter readings, advance warnings of supply interruptions and how to save on cooking and heating. You’ll also get priority reconnection if your supply is interrupted. We’ll also advise you on practical ways to reduce your energy bills that work for your individual circumstances.

Our advisor can talk to you about other money matters too. We understand that balancing caring responsibilities and finances isn’t easy, and we can help you to access the support you need to manage money and reduce debt.

Taking care of others means taking care of yourself. So, please get the help you need to help the people you care for.


To access our Carer Money Matters support, you’ll need to be registered with us. To register: https://www.hartlepoolcarers.org.uk/register/


Get in touch now to see how we can help you with Carer Money Matters.

You can also find more information at: https://www.hartlepoolcarers.org.uk/support-for-carers/

Carer Champion

We need YOU!

We need Carer Champion Volunteers to ensure Carers views, suggestions and opinions are at the heart of planning.

Would you like to find out more about how you can Volunteer with us, attend coffee mornings and Carer activities to share information, and be that trusted Carer to listen to others?

If this sounds like something you could do then give us a call in 01429 283095 

Support for Parent Carers

We want to ensure all families have the right support at the right time

Hartlepool Carers provide support to families whose child has an additional need and/or disability aged 0-25 years old.

We can provide Information, Advice and Guidance to support you and your family as well as offer activities and events.

We work alongside 1 Hart, 1 Mind, 1 Future, Hartlepool’s Parent Led Forum were we joint fund our Parent Carer Link Worker.

We understand caring for a child/young person with additional needs and/or disabilities brings many challenges, and we are here to help you.

You can also find more information on the 1 Hart, 1 Mind, 1 Future website and Facebook page

Respite Caravan

Respite for Carers of all ages at our 3 bedroom caravan in Northumberland

The caravan is situated on Cresswell Towers, Parkdean Resort in Northumberland. It has three bedrooms (one double and two twin rooms). It has a fully equipped kitchen, WC and separate toilet and Shower-room. We also have a beautiful, decked area with ramp access and one parking space for the caravan.

On arrival the caravan will be ready for you to enjoy, including all beds made up on arrival.

The site has lots of facilities including, Swimming Pool, Outdoor Sports Courts, Arcades and Entertainment Complex, Daily Activities and Entertainment, shop, and laundrette. The site also has a play area for the children and entertainment passes are available at an additional cost.

To book a non-refundable deposit of £50 is required to secure your dates and we keep costs as low as possible to ensure everyone can take up the opportunity.

Few rules: No Smoking in the Caravan or doorway, no pets allowed, make sure you take towels with you!

Getting to the site: Driving to the site take approx. 50 mins from Hartlepool. Using a Sat Nav please use the following postcode NE61 5JT. On arrival please take not of the one way system!


Be part of the commuity

It only takes a few minutes to register

About Hartlepool Carers

Hartlepool Carers are assisting directly and linking people with other organisations when more appropriate, to ensure every carer gets the support they require.


Email: staff@hartlepoolcarers.org.uk

Call: 01429 283095

19A Lowthian Road, Hartlepool

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