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Home > Jeff Stelling, Hartlepool Carers Patron
It is an honour and a privilege to announce Hartlepool legend and Sky Sports News presenter, Jeff Stelling, as our Patron. On agreeing to the role, Jeff said:
“This crisis has made us all realise how important carers are. Unpaid and unheralded, they put other people first. I am so pleased they are finally getting some recognition of the job they do, even though that’s not the reason they do it.“
“Hartlepool has always been a caring town where people look out for each other. It has never been more important than in these difficult times“.
Our Chief Executive, Christine Fewster said:
“We were delighted Jeff got behind Hartlepool Carers. The national aim is to ensure unpaid carers were visible within our local community.“
“Jeff certainly helped us to raise the profile of unpaid carers.“
“We have had discussions with Jeff and we are excited to announce he has become Hartlepool Carers patron.”
“Jeff has a real passion for Hartlepool and we are pleased to have him on board with our charity. We believe we can work together to raise the awareness and challenges carers face not only in Hartlepool but across the country.”
We are excited to see where this partnership leads and thank Jeff for his support.
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