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Home > Support for Carers
Whether you’re new to caring or been at it a while, having the right support at the right time is important.
We are here to help provide you with that. Below you will find help and support, however if you need further support we have dedicated team waiting to support you, just give us a call.
We can all experience times of poor mental health and that’s no different for carers. Whether your supporting a loved one with poor mental health or you yourself feel you need some support, help is out there.
It important you take time for yourself and ensure you take steps to seek support.
In partnership with Hartlepool Borough Council we hold a monthly support group to provide carers with the opportunity to share information and give each other advice and support. Give us a call on 01429 283095 to check out the dates/times
We also work with other local organisations that can help you.
Togetherall is a place to share experiences in a safe, anonymous space. Benefit from practical wellbeing tools and resources. Gain access in minutes, available all day, every day. Visit their website here.
Let’s Connect is a local short service involving individuals and communities in Mental Health Support and Well-being. Visit their website here.
Haven offer free and confidential counselling to young people aged 11-25 years old in Hartlepool. Visit their website here.
Kooth provide online anonymous support to young people. Visit their website here.
Impact on Teesside provide Psychological Therapies and Wellbeing Service, working with patients registered with GP practices across Teesside. Visit their website here.
Andy Mans Club provide support in Hartlepool. Find your nearest group on their website here.
There are also other regional and national organisations that can support you.
Mind offer support for our own mental health. Visit their website here.
Young Minds offer mental health support to young adult carers, including young parent carers. Visit their website here.
Samaritans when immediate support is needed. Visit their website here.
No panic offer resources on managing anxiety, panic, anxiety, O.C.D and phobias.Visit their website here.
There are many reasons we may find ourselves needing financial support as a carer. Many of us may have had to reduce the hours we work or we may have to give up work entirely. This has a huge impact on our finances and our future financial stability.
Find out what financial support may be available to support you in your caring role.
Carers Allowance – Find out how it works here.
Carers Credit – Find more information about Carers Credit here.
Attendance Allowance – Find more information abotu Attendance Allowance here.
Personal Independence Payment – Learn what PIP is for here.
Benefits can be a minefield but don’t worry we work with partners in Hartlepool who can guide you through the process
West View Advice and Resource Centre provide free, independent advice to individuals and their families on a variety of areas, including but not exclusive to benefits, debt, housing, employment, and energy. Visit their website here.
Advice @ Hart provide independent advice and support to ensure your benefits are maximised. Visit their website here.
Age UK provide support to people aged 55years plus, here in Hartlepool we have a dedicated Benefits Advisor. Visit their website here.
Citizens Advice provide support in a range of areas including debt management. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Borough Council provide Council Tax reductions for individuals in certain circumstances. Visit their website here.
Local Welfare Support (LWS) is a limited discretionary fund, managed by Hartlepool Borough Council to help residents stay in or return to their community or to give help in a crisis. Visit their website here.
Hartlepower provide information on local organisations that provide support to access free and low cost foods. Visit their website here.
Providing care at home can bring about unexpected challenges, you may need extra handrails, fire safety checks or alternative accommodation.
Handyman Service is delivered by Hartlepool Borough Council and provides residents with a range of services to help around the home. Visit their website here.
Cleveland Fire Brigade Home Safety Team help ensure you home is safe as possible to reduce the risk of fire. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Housing Advice Team offers general housing advice and information to private and council tenants and homeless people. Visit their website here.
Special Needs Housing Team can help support you to make adaptations and provide information around a Disability Facilities Grant. Download more information here.
Hartlepool Support Hub can provide advice around equipment and signpost you to the most suitable option to meet your needs Hartlepool Support Hub. Visit their website here.
Providing care can really impact your opportunities to seek or remain in employment or education, but things can be put in place to help. Here are some useful links.
Hartlepool Learning and Skills are a dedicated team who can help you gain new skills and qualifications through our courses, access volunteer opportunities or progress into your chosen career. Visit their website here.
Volunteer Hartlepool is the place to go if you’re passionate about supporting your local community, would like to meet new people, enhance your wellbeing or would like to gain experience to improve your employment prospects. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool College provides Further and Higher Education opportunities. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Sixth Form College offer a wide range of A-Levels, vocational courses, and T Levels Home. Visit their website here.
Learning Curve provide a range of opportunities to up-skill and enhance your CV National Training & Educational Specialists. Visit their website here.
Routes to Work provide a range of support depending on your individual needs to help you overcome any barriers and support you back into the workplace. Routes to Work Programme. Visit their website here.
Step Forward Tees Valley can help you back into employment and training Step Forward Tees Valley – Overcome barriers, and move forward with life. Visit their website here.
Maintaining your health can be difficult when providing care, but it’s important to look after yourself. Lots of support is available to help you and your family maintain your health and well-being.
GPS across Hartlepool now provide Social Prescribing, this helps individuals who have long term conditions, disability and at risk of poor health. Here is some further information, please contact your GP for further information.
Healthwatch Hartlepool will work to help people get the best out of services. Whether it is improving them today or help shaping them for tomorrow. Your Healthwatch is about local voices being able to influence the delivery and design of local services. Visit their website here.
NHS Advocacy is now provided by North East NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy (ICA),supporting individuals complaining about the NHS. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Support Hub can provide advice to help you enjoy a healthier lifestyle, such as stopping smoking, exercising more and getting out and exploring Hartlepool’s open spaces and facilities. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool United Community Sports Foundation provide opportunities for adults and young people in our town
Community Sports Foundation. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool has a number of Sports, Leisure and Cultural opportunities delivered by Hartlepool Borough Council that can help you stay physically well. Visit their website here.
Everyone’s caring role and needs are unique, here are some useful links, however if you cannot find what you are looking for just give us a call.
Hartlepool’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SEND IASS) Offer impartial information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Local Offer provides useful information for children, young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) and their families. Visit their website here.
1 Hart, 1 Mind, 1 Future are Parents and carers of children and young people with Special educational Needs and/or Disabilities aged 0-25. Visit their website here.
Community Led Inclusion Partnership are a voluntary constituted group who are passionate about breaking down barriers and sharing good practice across Hartlepool. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Baby Bank – Supporting local families and their children. Visit their website here.
The Carent Room – Help and support for adults caring for an elderly parent. Visit their website here.
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Social Opportunities
Hartlepool Community Hubs provide activities across our town, there is something for everyone. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Now provides lots of activities and events going on in and around Hartlepool. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool United Community Sports Foundation provide opportunities for adults and young people in our town. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Borough Council deliver several of Sports, Leisure and Cultural opportunities. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool Men’s Shed is a local organisation a place to make and mend things, a larger version of your typical garden shed! Email hartlepoolmensshed@gmail.com
One Stop Shop, a young person’s facility to find out about activities and support on a range of topics. Visit their website here.
Belle Vue Centre is a community centre with facilities for community engagement, sport, youth clubs and a nursery.
Visit their website here.
West View Project provides activities to children and young people. Visit their website here.
Hartlepool has a number of Youth Clubs across the town supporting young people. Find the closest club to you here.